
All abstracts submitted, accepted and presented will be included in the BIOMAP’7 Proceedings which will be electronically edited with ISBN.

Authors of accepted contributions are invited to submit manuscripts for publication in a special issue of Environmental Science & Pollution Research.

Authors should prepare their manuscripts according to the journal's guidelines for authors given on the journal's homepage at

All manuscripts will be subject to customary peer review and copy-editing procedures and will be handled by the ESPR editorial office.

Authors should submit their manuscript directly to the ESPR editorial office by online submission at until 30 June 2015.

- In the “article type” field, authors should tick the name of the Special Issue (SI: BIOMA7);
- Authors should mention again the name of the Special Issue in the “comment” field;
- Once submitted authors should send to the email an indication about their submission (name of the paper, authors and reference (ESPR-XX-XXXXX).


Updated on 03/06/2015
